Credit Worksheet
Thank you for attending ECHO-Chicago! To assist you in determining the correct number of credits to claim, you can use the tool below. Click the check box next to the sessions you attended. Then count the number of checks. That is the number of credits you will claim on the next page.
4/19/19 ECHO-Chicago Orientation for Childhood Obesity: Practical Primary Care Approaches & Scope of the Problem
4/26/19 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part I, Epidemiology
5/3/19 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part II, Evaluation
5/10/19 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part III, Treatment
5/17/19 Common Co-morbidities: Hyperlipidemia, Impaired Glucose Metabolism, Polycystic Ovaries
5/24/19 Common Co-morbidities: Psychosocial Problems
5/31/19 Counseling: Raising and Discussing Weight with a Child and Family
6/7/19 Counseling: Nutrition and Physical Activity and the 5As Paradigm
6/14/19 Secondary Causes of Obesity in Children
6/21/19 Pharmacotherapy and Surgical Treatment for Obesity in Adolescents
6/28/19 Advocacy for a Healthier Built Environment & Wrap-up