Credit Worksheet
Thank you for attending ECHO-Chicago! To assist you in determining the correct number of credits to claim, you can use the tool below. Click the check box next to the sessions you attended. Then count the number of checks. That is the number of credits you will claim on the next page.
1/16/18 Overview of Opioid Use Disorder
1/23/18 Harm Reduction, Overdose Prevention and Opioid Use Disorder Review
1/30/18 Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
2/6/18 Safer Use of Opioids in Management of Chronic Pain Introduction to Urine Drug Testing
2/13/18 Management of Tobacco Use Disorder in Addiction Treatment
2/20/18 Management of Alcohol Use Disorder in Addiction Treatment
2/27/18 Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Part I - Getting to Induction
3/6/18 Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Part II - Induction and Stabilization
3/13/18 Psychosocial Support in Addiction Recovery: The Role of Mutual Help Groups
3/20/18 Co-occurring disorders and special populations in addiction treatment
3/27/18 Special Populations
4/3/18 Introduction to Motivational Interviewing