Credit Worksheet
Thank you for attending ECHO-Chicago! To assist you in determining the correct number of credits to claim, you can use the tool below. Click the check box next to the sessions you attended. Then count the number of checks. That is the number of credits you will claim on the next page.
6/15/16 Kick-off: 3 hour in person meeting
6/29/16 Collaborative Care Part 1b: Practice redesign/Care Manager
7/13/16 Collaborative Care Part 2a: use of a registry
7/27/16 Collaborative Care Part 2b: use of a registry
8/10/16 Special topic: Medication Management
8/24/16 Special topic: Trauma Informed Care
9/7/16 Collaborative Care Part 3a: Screening and case identification
9/21/16 Collaborative Care Part 3b: Screening and case identification
10/5/16 Special topic: Serious & persistent mental health disorders
10/19/16 Special topic: SBIRT
11/2/16 Collaborative Care Part 4a: Measurement based treatment to target
11/16/16 Collaborative Care Part 4b: Measurement based treatment to target
11/30/16 Collaborative Care Part 5a: Accountable Care/Business Case
12/14/16 Collaborative Care Part 5b: Accountable Care/Business Case
1/25/17 Capstone