“Cortisol Dysregulation in a Critically Ill Neonate”
Presented by: Sarah Shaaban, M.D., Pediatric Endocrine Fellow
Learning Objectives:
1. To review the evaluation of cortisol abnormalities in the critically ill neonate.
2. To discuss the factors that affect cortisol levels and ACTH stimulation response.
“Patients with Primary Aldosteronism and Inconclusive Adrenal Vein Sampling”
Presented by: Kelvin Memeh, M.D., Endocrine Surgery Fellow
Learning Objectives:
1. Overview of key terms in diagnostic work up of primary aldosteronism.
2. Highlight some difficulties inherent in interpreting AVS results.
3. Review some plausible solutions to some of the difficulties with AVS results.
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Participation