Credit Worksheet
Thank you for attending ECHO-Chicago! To assist you in determining the correct number of credits to claim, you can use the tool below. Click the check box next to the sessions you attended. Then count the number of checks. That is the number of credits you will claim on the next page.
1/10/19 Introduction to ECHO-Chicago & ADHD
1/17/19 Making the Diagnosis of ADHD in Primary Care Practice: AAP ADHD Guidelines
1/24/19 Behavioral Interventions
1/31/19 Medication Management, Part I: Stimulants
2/7/19 Medication Management, Part II: Second Line Medications
2/14/19 ADHD & Sleep
2/21/19 Complementary Alternative Medicine Interventions
2/28/19 Management of Children & Youth with Disruptive Behaviors & ADHD
3/7/19 Management of Children & Youth with Learning Problems & ADHD
3/21/19 Management of Children & Youth with Anxiety and/or Depression & ADHD
4/4/19 Diagnosis & Treatment of ADHD in Preschool Children
4/11/19 Practice Systems - Screening, Diagnoses, & Treatment of ADHD in the Primary Care Office
4/18/19 ADHD in Adults & Series Wrap