Thank you for attending 27th Annual Primary Care Orthopaedics!To download copies of the presentations, please click the links below. Wednesday, June 8Thursday, June 8Friday, June 8 Orthopaedic Radiology-Gregory Scott Stacy, MD Degenerative Knee Problems-Sara Wallace, MD, MPH The Athlete’s Hip-Sherwin Ho, MD Adult Lower Extremity Fractures-Kelly Hynes, MD, FRCSC Degenerative Hip Problems-Sara Wallace, MD, MPH Pediatric Sports Injuries-Holly Benjamin, MD, FACSM Adult Upper Extremity Fractures-Sherwin Ho, MD Acute Hand and Wrist Injuries-Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, MD, PhD Re-Thinking Our Approach to CAM Morphology-Lindsey Plass, PT, DPT, OCS Things Not to Miss-Rex Haydon, MD, PhD Subacute & Chronic Hand/Wrist Problems-Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, MD, PhD Sports Shoulder Injuries-Nicholas Maassen, MD Biologics in Orthopedics: Magic or Money Grab?-Peter Everts, PhD Common Adult Elbow Problems-Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, MD, PhD Common Adult Sports Knee Injuries-Aravind Athiviraham, MD Adult Cervical and Thoracic Spine-Michael Lee, MD Common Non Sports Shoulder Conditions-Lewis Shi, MD Developmental Disorders of the Hip-Clarabelle DeVries, MD Adult Lumbar Spine-Mostafa El Dafrawy, MBBCh Robotic Invasion of Orthopaedic Surgery! Technology in the 21st Century-Michael Lee, MD Overuse & Traumatic Injuries in Skeletally Immature Patients-Laura Lewallen, MD Adult Foot-Brendon Ross, DO Pediatric Spinal Deformity and Infections-Christopher Sullivan, MD, MPH Adult Ankle-Kelly Hynes, MD, FRCSC