General Requirements
Currently, physicians in Illinois must earn 150 hours of continuing medical education (CME) credit in a three-year re-licensure period. At the end of the three years, physicians renew their licenses through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) by attesting to compliance with state CME requirements.
For a more in-depth look at requirements and the renewal process, visit the Illinois State Medical Society information page.
Find CME-accredited opportunities specific to Illinois requirements from the American Medical Association (AMA) at the AMA Ed Hub.
For a more in-depth look at requirements and the renewal process, visit the Illinois State Medical Society information page.
Find CME-accredited opportunities specific to Illinois requirements from the American Medical Association (AMA) at the AMA Ed Hub.
New State of Illinois Requirements for 2023 License Renewal
Illinois physicians will be required to complete CME hours in the following four topic areas:
- Safe Opioid Prescribing Training -
The 3-hour education requirement for the safe prescribing of opioids applies to all licensed healthcare professionals who also possess an Illinois Controlled Substance License. This includes any faculty, advanced practice providers, and current GME trainees who may be renewing their licenses. - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training -
The 1-hour sexual harassment prevention education mandate applies to ANY profession licensed by the state that requires continuing education as a condition of re-licensure. - Recognizing Dementia
This 1-hour requirement applies to every licensed healthcare professional who interacts with patients 26 years of age or older. It involves completing a 1-hour training on the diagnosis, treatment, and care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
- Implicit Bias
This 1-hour requirement on recognizing implicit bias in healthcare applies to all licensed healthcare professionals.
All four requirements noted above count toward the 150 hours CME required for renewal. For complete information on license renewal requirements for the state of Illinois, click here.
Please find accredited, educational opportunities linked below that can assist with meeting the state's new CME/CE requirements.
Some resources may require memberships, payment, or login creations. For assistance accessing publications or completing the listed activities, please contact the sponsoring organization.
Safe Opioid Prescribing
Recommended Accredited Activities By Federal, State, or Professional Society
Hours Offered: Various | Associated Cost: Free | Expires: Dates Vary
The CDC offers interactive training that assists providers in applying the CDC's guidelines on safe prescribing. Modules are self-paced and free of charge. You must be logged into the CDC's online education platform, TCEO, to best access the modules and claim credit. Instructions can be found here.
American Medical Association - Ed Hub
Listed here are CME-accredited opportunities, specific to Illinois requirements from the American Medical Association (AMA), and include journal-based CME activities in various specialties.
Listed here are CME-accredited opportunities, specific to Illinois requirements from the American Medical Association (AMA), and include journal-based CME activities in various specialties.
American College of Physicians Substance Use Disorder Hub
As an ACCME-accredited CME provider with Commendation, ACP offers recommended activities that count toward meeting the new DEA attestation requirement. Choose from the curated list to satisfy the completion of a minimum of eight hours of substance use disorder education.
As an ACCME-accredited CME provider with Commendation, ACP offers recommended activities that count toward meeting the new DEA attestation requirement. Choose from the curated list to satisfy the completion of a minimum of eight hours of substance use disorder education.
Pain Management and Opioids CME
Hours Offered: 10 | Associated Cost: Free | Expires: 4/14/2023
The new Pain Management and Opioids modules within NEJM Knowledge + Internal Medicine Board Review and Family Medicine Board Review are offered in partnership with Boston University School of Medicine’s Safer/Competent Opioid Prescribing Education (SCOPE of Pain) program.
Hours Offered: 10 | Associated Cost: Free | Expires: 4/14/2023
The new Pain Management and Opioids modules within NEJM Knowledge + Internal Medicine Board Review and Family Medicine Board Review are offered in partnership with Boston University School of Medicine’s Safer/Competent Opioid Prescribing Education (SCOPE of Pain) program.
Hours Offered: 5 | Associated Cost: Free for ISMS members. $75 for non-ISMS members. | Expires: Dates Vary
The Illinois State Medical Society is offering five accredited activities, each worth 1 CME credit. Find them under the "ISMS CME Course" heading on the ISMS page linked above.
Reducing Stigma Educational Tools (ReSET)
Hours Offered: 1.5 | Associated Cost: Free
The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School presents interactive online learning activities designed to reduce the stigma of patients with opioid use disorder.
Hours Offered: 1.5 | Associated Cost: Free
The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School presents interactive online learning activities designed to reduce the stigma of patients with opioid use disorder.
Satisfy the new, one-time eight-hour training requirement issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), up to 36.5 CME credits.
ASAM recommends the following courses on this page to meet the DEA requirement for 8 hours of education on substance use disorder.
23 on-demand free modules in the SUD 101 Core Curriculum, 8-hour online training for physicians who want to prescribe buprenorphine.
10-hour CME/CE training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Provided here are CME activities (various credits and expiration dates) related to opioids, including a section focused on prescribing.
Provided here are CME activities (various credits and expiration dates) related to opioids, including a section focused on prescribing.
A Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy has been put in place, as required by the FDA, for known and potential risks related to opioids and analgesics. The program includes multiple accredited, educational opportunities for providers.
Point-of-Care Naloxone Distribution in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study
The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) shares the results of a study evaluating the feasibility of point-of-care (POC) distribution of naloxone in an ED.
The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) shares the results of a study evaluating the feasibility of point-of-care (POC) distribution of naloxone in an ED.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
*University of Chicago Faculty: Please see the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) FAQ pdf on sexual harassment prevention training. Physicians in Illinois will need to complete 1 hour of sponsored training per 3-year renewal cycle.
Hours Offered: 1 | Associated Cost: Free
This activity is presented and accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA).
This activity is presented and accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Recognizing Dementia
Dementia Awareness, Evaluation, and Care for the Healthcare Professional
Hours Offered: 1 | Associated Cost: $75
Hours Offered: 1 | Associated Cost: $75
This interactive module will increase healthcare professionals’ skills to provide dementia evaluation, care, and resource support for patients living with dementia.
*University of Chicago Medicine and affiliates, please email for access to a free version of this activity.
*University of Chicago Medicine and affiliates, please email for access to a free version of this activity.
Continuing Education on Alzheimer's and Dementia
The Alzheimer's Association offers continuing medical education on Alzheimer's and dementia, including free CEU options.
The Alzheimer's Association offers continuing medical education on Alzheimer's and dementia, including free CEU options.
Alzheimer's Disease Services Curriculum
The Illinois Department of Public Health has compiled and published a list of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) services curricula on its website.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has compiled and published a list of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) services curricula on its website.
Medscape's CME learning center highlights a listing of activities related to different aspects of Alzheimer's and dementia care.
Medscape's CME learning center highlights a listing of activities related to different aspects of Alzheimer's and dementia care.
The Doctor's Company (TDC Group)
The TDC Group provides an on-demand CME series that trains primary care physicians and other healthcare practitioners on standardized screening, evaluation, and management of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
The TDC Group provides an on-demand CME series that trains primary care physicians and other healthcare practitioners on standardized screening, evaluation, and management of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
*Information about the University of Chicago annual "Preventing Harassment and Discrimination" required (2-3 hours) employee training has been disseminated through University communications. For additional information, please contact the Office of the Provost Equal Opportunity Programs at
While we do our best to stay on top of updates, links to activities and other resources are constantly changing. If you find a broken link or an outdated resource, please let us know. Additionally, if you have a program or resource that you would like to see on this list, reach out to us as well! Contact us via e-mail at