Learning Objective
.At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
Updates in Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines ; Brian Helfand, MD, FPA
1.Describe the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening and the importance of shared decision making 2: Identify high risk individual who may benefit from earlier or more frequent prostate cancer screenings 3:Articulate some of the newer testing techniques including multipara metric MRI in work up of patients with concern for prostate cancer
Updates in Breast Cancer Screening: Georgia Spear, MD. FPA
1:Describe breast density and supplemental screening options
2:Identify high risk patients and imaging modalities appropriate for high risk screening
3:Verbalize screening updates in pregnant and lactating women
Updates in Colorectal Cancer Screening: Andrew Moore, MD
1:To review the latest guidelines in colorectal cancer screening
2:To review options for colorectal cancer screening
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Participation