A Surgeon's Social Responsibility |
10/23/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Back to the Future: New Frontiers in Lung Transplantation |
10/09/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Bleeding and Coagulopathy in Injured Kids |
11/06/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Building and Expanding the Michigan Statewide Cardiothoracic Quality Collaborative |
11/15/2023 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Carotid Web Is an Underdiagnosed, Devastating Cause of Stroke |
12/04/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Disparities in Healthcare |
01/24/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Dragging Vascular Trauma Surgery into the 21st Century |
09/18/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Faith, Focus and Fortitude: A Surgeon's Health Justice Journey |
10/18/2023 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
Frozen Section Pathology |
08/21/2024 - 7:30am to 8:15am |
How to thrive in surgery - what hurts us does not heal us |
12/06/2023 - 7:30am to 8:15am |