Sessionsort ascending Date
Questions, Conflicts & Misconceptions: A Window into Anesthesia 10/19/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
Prevention of wound complications after cesarean delivery 05/03/2019 - 8:15am to 9:15am
Our Role in Improving Maternal Safety 07/13/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN M&M 07/20/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN M&M 11/09/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN M&M 12/14/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN M&M 01/25/2019 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN Departmental M&M 04/26/2019 - 8:15am to 9:15am
OBGYN Departmental M&M 06/07/2019 - 8:15am to 9:15am
Ob/Gyn: A specialty at the forefront of care for LBGTQ patients 11/02/2018 - 8:15am to 9:15am
