8/18/17 ECHO-Chicago Orientation for Childhood Obesity: Practical Primary Care Approaches & Scope of the Problem |
8/25/17 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part I, Epidemiology |
9/1/17 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part II, Evaluation |
9/8/17 Common Co-morbidities: Hypertension Part III, Treatment |
9/15/17 Common Co-morbidities: Hyperlipidemia, Impaired Glucose Metabolism, Polycystic Ovaries |
9/22/17 Common Co-morbidities: Psychosocial Problems |
9/29/17 Counseling: Raising and Discussing Weight with a Child and Family |
10/6/17 Counseling: Nutrition and Physical Activity and the 5As Paradigm |
10/13/17 Secondary Causes of Obesity in Children |
10/20/17 Pharmacotherapy and Surgical Treatment for Obesity in Adolescents |
10/27/17 Advocacy for a Healthier Built Environment |
11/3/17 Evaluate the Group’s Needs/Wishes - Wrap-up and Cases |